James Emmett, MS

Workplace Lead Strategist


  • Vocational Alliance Autism Project

  • Business Approach to Social Integration and Communication (BASIC)

  • EmployAlliance Employment Within Business Project

James Emmett, MS, is the founder of James Emmett & Co., which provides disability inclusion support services to companies across the globe. This often involves helping organizations expand their disability employment services and other similar programs. He helped develop the YouTube video “Improving Customer Service for People with Disabilities,” and has been the director for three award-winning research and demonstration projects on career development and transition strategies for people with autism and other disabilities. These projects included the Vocational Alliance Autism Project, the Business Approach to Social Integration & Communication (BASIC) Grant, and the EmployAlliance Employment Within Business Project.

Emmett earned a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a master of science degree in rehabilitation counseling at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

 Publications, media, and appearances