Deciding on homeschooling? 3 things to consider

Thinking about homeschooling? Home education can be a good option for some kids who learn and think differently. But it’s important to be aware of what it means to not be in the public school system. 

For example, homeschooling often comes with added expenses. Things most schools provide for free may now cost you money — from books and worksheets to emotional supports. 

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Here are three things to think about when you’re deciding on homeschooling.

1. Getting supports for your child

Getting a school to provide supports can sometimes take a lot of time and effort. There’s a formal process you have to go through. At home you don’t need school approval for or like frequent breaks. But you do have to pay for any tools or technology your child needs.

Learn more about assistive technology, including free tools that can be helpful for kids who learn and thinking differently.

2. Getting services for your child

Kids who are homeschooled may not have access to special education services. The rules and regulations for homeschooling vary by state and district. You can find out what the rules are in your state by contacting your state’s Parent Training Center, a free resource.

3. Providing social opportunities

Homeschooled kids may have less day-to-day interaction with other kids. That can be a good thing if there was bullying at school or for kids who struggle with behavior. But less contact can mean fewer chances to build social skills. You may need to take extra steps to make sure your child spends time with other kids. Get tips on how to help homeschooled kids build social skills.

With homeschooling, you have the freedom and flexibility to try different methods to help your child learn. From the very start, you’ll be making lots of decisions about your child’s education. Learn more about homeschooling kids who learn and think differently.


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