Priscila Tamplain, PhD

Associate Professor of Kinesiology


  • International Society of Research and Advocacy for Developmental Coordination Disorder (ISRA-DCD), co-founder and board member

  • Dyspraxia DCD America, board member

  • Lolas E. Halverson Motor Development Young Investigator Award, 2013

  • Early Career Distinguished Scholar Award by NASPSPA, 2017

Priscila Tamplain, PhD, is a professor specializing in the study of developmental coordination disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, and related conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. Tamplain also is the founder of the Little Mavs Movement Academy, a community-based motor skill intervention program for children and adolescents with movement or coordination difficulties.

As an international expert on DCD, Tamplain has published over 80 research articles on the topic. She also provides lectures on the importance of motor skills in everything we do. She loves connecting with families and professionals to identify ways to support students with DCD. 

Tamplain holds a bachelor of science degree and a master of science degree in kinesiology from the Federal University of Paraná. She also earned a doctor of philosophy degree in motor neuroscience from Texas A&M University. 

 Publications, media, and appearances