Claire Odom, MSW, LMSW

Neuro-Affirming Psychotherapist


  • Disability-inclusion specialist focused on creating work environments that work for everyone

  • Certified EMDR therapist and play therapist focused on neuro-affirming care

  • Co-author of Affirm Your Practice: Incorporating Neurodiversity Into Your Therapy Practice

Claire Odom, MSW, LMSW, is a licensed psychotherapist, disability inclusion expert, and ADHDer practicing in New York’s Hudson Valley. After supporting Understood’s Workplace Initiative for four years, Odom brought her inclusive lens to the therapy room, where she now serves children and families affected by neurodivergence. 

Odom’s areas of research and focus include building disability-inclusive workplaces across industries. She also supports families dealing with confusing behavioral issues and parents struggling to connect with their children across neurotypes. 

Odom received a master of social work degree from Columbia University with a focus on disability and public policy. She discovered her ADHD diagnosis as a result of working with Understood, and she loves helping others understand and work with their neurotype.

Publications, media, and appearances