Deciding on an evaluation: 5 common questions

Having your child evaluated for special education services can be a tough decision. You may worry about your child being labeled. You might also question if your child really needs to be tested. The more information you have, the easier it is to make an informed decision. 

Here are some common questions parents have when they’re considering an evaluation for their child. 

How will an evaluation help my child?

If your child is struggling in school, an evaluation is the first step toward getting special education supports and services. But testing doesn’t only show your child’s challenges. It can give you a better understanding of your child’s strengths, too. Having this information can help the school — and you — find strategies that work.

Which of these is your main concern?

Get answers to all your questions with the Understood Assistant.

Learn more about how an evaluation can benefit your child.

Are evaluations stressful for kids?

You might be concerned about what your child will have to go through with an evaluation and whether it will be stressful. Some kids do get nervous. But the tests used in evaluations aren’t like regular tests. Many of them involve activities like doing puzzles and naming pictures. Also, if a child is taking many tests, the evaluation may be spread out over a few days.

Find out what to expect in a school evaluation

Is now the right time for an evaluation?

It can be hard to know when to have your child evaluated. You may wonder if your child will outgrow difficulties, or if they’re serious enough for you to take action. But just being concerned may be reason enough to look into it. Think about what made you consider having your child evaluated in the first place.

Learn how to tell if your child’s difficulties are “serious enough” for an evaluation.

Will my child be labeled for getting services?

You might wonder what an evaluation could mean for your child socially. Will it lead to your child being labeled? Will other kids treat your child differently? Will your child be teased or bullied? It’s also common to worry about what an evaluation means for your child’s future.

Read about common concerns parents have about teasing and labeling after an evaluation

What about a private evaluation?

If you’re thinking about a private evaluation, you may have a different set of questions or concerns. Private evaluations are done by a professional outside of school, and they can be expensive. This professional may use many of the same tests a school would use. But private evaluations are often more in-depth.

Explore the pros and cons of private vs. school evaluations and discover resources for finding free or low-cost private evaluations.

Learn more about the evaluation process from the Understood Explains Season 1 podcast.


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