A free skill-building app for parents 
of kids with learning and thinking differences, like ADHD and dyslexia.

Learn techniques developed by psychologists to help reduce outbursts and improve your child’s behavior over time — all at your own pace.

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4.8/5 on the App Store

Understand what causes challenging behaviors

Use science-based techniques to identify the root cause of your child’s outbursts. With short, self-paced lessons, you can gain perspective on why they are acting out.

9 out of 10parents agree the Understood app is a helpful tool for understanding their child’s challenging behavior.

Identify patterns and get personalized tips

In just a few taps, log your child’s challenging behaviors and see patterns emerge. Get personalized insights and tips on how to react, and see how your child’s behavior improves over time.

Nearly 70%of parents believe the Understood app could help reduce the frequency of their child’s challenging behaviors with continued use.

Build your parenting skills

Use science-based techniques to identify the root cause of your child’s outbursts. With short, self-paced lessons, you can gain perspective on why they are acting out.

80%of parents agree the Understood app helped them feel more confident handling their child’s challenging behavior.

What Understood users are saying

  • “Lots of useful information for the stressed out momma, some tools and reminders included. I have enjoyed the material provided by professionals.”

    —Kayla, mom

“Understood app Pilot Study (March 2024). Pre/post survey, n=88 parents of children 7-12 years old with ADHD, 2 weeks app use (50 min. minimum), including Behavior Tracker & The ABCs of meltdowns lessons.”

Download for free today

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